Xiaolong Wang

Assistant Professor, UC San Diego [GitHub] [Google Scholar] [CV]
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I am an assistant professor at UC San Diego in the ECE department. I am affliated with the CSE department, Center for Visual Computing, Contextual Robotics Institute, and Artificial Intelligence Group. I am a member of the Robotics team in the TILOS NSF AI Institute.

I was a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley with Alexei Efros and Trevor Darrell. I received a Ph.D. in robotics from the Carnegie Mellon University, at where I worked with Abhinav Gupta. Here is my PhD Thesis.

For PhD applicants, you can apply through both CSE and ECE departments. For applications in ECE departments, please apply to the ISRC/SIP track.

Research Group

Our group has a broad interest around the directions of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Robotics. Our focus is on learning 3D and dynamics representations through videos and physical robotic interaction data. We explore various means of supervision signals from the data itself, language, and common sense knowledge. We leverage these comprehensive representations to facilitate the learning of robot skills, with the goal of generalizing the robot to interact effectively with a wide range of objects and environments in the real physical world. Please check out our individual research topic of Self-Supervised Learning, Video Understanding, Common Sense Reasoning, RL and Robotics, 3D Interaction, Dexterous Hand.


ECE285: Introduction to Visual Learning (Spring 2024).

ECE176: Introduction to Deep Learning & Applications (Winter 2024).

ECE285: Introduction to Visual Learning (Spring 2023).

ECE176: Introduction to Deep Learning & Applications (Winter 2023).

ECE285: Introduction to Visual Learning (Spring 2022).

ECE285: Introduction to Visual Learning (Spring 2021).

ECE176: Introduction to Deep Learning & Applications (Winter 2021).


Selected Awards

Lab Awards
